Saturday, March 28, 2009

Layout Change

So I decided that the last layout was really boring and made me want to change it, so I found a cool wallpaper for it and I have spent the morning importing my widgets on the side into the new HTML, which was kind of a pain in the ass with all of the borders and margins and stuff, but that's all done.

Other than that, I was playing on FullTilt last night for about 15 minutes while I was waiting for friends to get ready to go out and won .58c on the .01/.02 tables, so now I am up to over $2. I am going to start the OFC(OnlineForumChallenge) tourney today on there, but I won't be able to play longer than about 45 minutes because I am going to see a concert, Black Label Society, so that will be fun.

Probably no more poker today, but tomorrow afternoon I plan on playing, so I will update.