Friday, October 30, 2009

New Tool : Hand Distribution Calculator

So while I was at work the other day I came up with an idea for a way of pulling out an approximate hand distribution for an opponent based on his/her VP$IP percentage. Key word being approximate, because it is possible for someone with a VPIP of 5% to play a 72o every now and then, just unlikely. So if you look at the upper right hand sidebar, you will see my new Hand Distribution Calculator, the first of it's kind from what Google showed me. I am going to be making some tweaks to my coding for it to perfect it here and there, so let me know if any of you have problems with it. So basically, this should help with some of your away from table workings if you use programs such as PokerStove, along with while you are playing and you want to just check out what hands might be in your opponents' ranges as you are playing them, it might be able to help you with a critical decision! Hope you guys enjoy!