Friday, July 17, 2009

Another Bump

So I added a little more to UltimateBet yesterday, adding $5 to bring it just under $150. I won the $5 in the CardsChat U/B Freeroll, which I have already talked about a dozen times. I placed 12th in it, but the money wasn't the only good part about the game, I also won my 2nd Last Person Standing Challenge title, which doesn't earn me anything extra, just bragging rights for a day, lol, but it adds a little extra challenge to it to make it fun.

I also started using some of my Bodog winnings to try to turn a profit, as I haven't played with any of my roll there except for one time in a cash game, which I ended up losing $0.50, so I just played a 10-man SNG for $2.20 and I ended up winning it, making $6, but really only 3.80 after the buyin. I am kind of mad at myself for it though, I didn't realize it was listed as a Beginner SNG, so the top 5 out of 10 got paid, which just cut my winnings by about $4, but oh well, still won.

I think I am played a tournament on Carbon later on today, but I'm not sure how much poker I will be playing this weekend, but if anything happens, here will be the first place you'll be able to find out about it. Take it easy guys