Sunday, December 13, 2009

Updates and Goodies

Take one goody away and I give another. So I have been trying to update the Hand Distribution Calculator that I had on the sidebar, but the Javascript widget that Blogger includes is for some reason not compatible with my code and I don't know why. I have it working on my side, just not when I paste it into their screen, so who knows what is going on. I will try to make some kind of a work around, otherwise it might have to wait until I start hosting my own site, which is in the back of my head for down the road. Blogger is just too limited, and I can't host files and everything, just gets kind of annoying...especially since I have run my own websites before where I had all of the control I wanted.

So the new goody... It's a Hold'em Manager Stat Guide(can be used for any poker tracking software, just different stat names). It's officially my gift to the members of that I wrote for my 1000th post there. I wrote it as a gift because of all the knowledge that has been passed on to me through my reading and writing of posts on there. My poker skills have improved multi-fold because I have so many great minds pretty much at my fingertips at the forums. So I will be keeping the updated version of the file located on the sidebar, I say updated because I plan on taking any suggestions into cosideration to make changes to it, because I know that how I have my stats set-up, may no be the best way, or 100% correct. So please let me know on the forums of any changes you think should be made here, Special 1K Post: Holdem Manager Stat Guide.

That is all for tonight, after that I am tired of typing. Peace out for now!