Saturday, September 12, 2009

Finishing Up

Ok, so finishing up where I left off this morning. FullTilt... so I have pretty much been playing cash games exclusively there for the past month or so, and I have had varying results as I have been trying to perfect my strategy, as I would consider myself pretty novice for ring games as I have mainly played tournaments before.

So, one thing that I have done is I moved up from .01/.02(2NL) to .02/.05(5NL). Now this isn't too good as far as following my BR Management rules, but my theory behind it was that I am getting around at least some of the idiots that are playing the lowest levels possible. Another thing that I have done is tighten up my range a lot, Holdem Manager has been helping me notice this a lot when I have been going through my sessions. I used to be at a VPIP of about 30-35%, and I have since brought it down to about a 17-20%, and I have been having positive sessions ever since, especially when I am noticing that I am playing against people who are playing with VPIPs like I used to have.

Well now I am off to the bar to watch the Purdue vs Oregon game, so I'm out. Talk to you later, hopefully not a month.